Proofpoint Replaces Zix for Emailing Forms to VRS Securely

January 2024
text reading email encryption

Last month, VRS began using Proofpoint secure mail, which replaced the Zix service, for securely submitting forms and related documents to VRS by email.

You will need to register the first time you send an encrypted email using Proofpoint. Be sure to use your work email address.

Take a few minutes to review this job aidfor instructions on setting up a Proofpoint account, or using your employer’s Proofpoint account, if available, to send VRS forms securely.

Using Proofpoint, you can submit any VRS form you previously faxed to VRS. Please note that the system is automated and cannot accept additional correspondence or questions. Proofpoint encrypted email is not available for use by members or retirees. However, you can securely email forms to VRS on their behalf.

If you have additional questions, email