Notify VRS of Employee Disability Claims or Status Changes

Whether you provide the Virginia Local Disability Program (VLDP) or a comparable disability plan to your Hybrid Retirement Plan members, it's essential to notify VRS when an employee has a long-term disability claim or change in disability status.
Your notification ensures other VRS benefits continue.
For example, members on long-term disability continue to accrue VRS service credit and remain eligible for group life insurance and the health insurance credit, if the employer participates in these programs.
If you offer VLDP: The program's third-party administrator should submit information to VRS when an employee has a long-term disability claim or change in disability status.
If you provide a comparable disability program: You are responsible for notifying VRS about new long-term disability claims or changes to a member's disability status. Refer to the Reporting Employees on Long-Term Disability With a Comparable Plan job aidfor the steps to take in myVRS Navigator when reporting employees on long-term disability.