Information central to help you administer VRS benefits.
Resources and links to assist with GASB and other financial reporting related to VRS-administered benefit plans, including fiscal year-end reminders.
Help members understand their VRS retirement plan provisions.
Help members understand their VRS retirement member benefits.
To help with budget preparation, easily access and download your actuarial valuations and rate letters from myVRS Navigator.
Make sure you submit contributions accurately and on time so funds are invested for your employees’ benefit.
Should an employee's additional duties as an acting administrator be reported as creditable compensation?
Political Subdivisions can access 2023 actuarial valuation reports online in myVRS Navigator.
This video snapshot covers VRS FY 2023 highlights in less than 90 seconds.
Get the key VRS highlights from FY 2023 – in full detail or as an easy-to-read summary.
Act now to make sure your budgeting, payroll and reporting processes are ready for rate separation.
Avoid errors and ensure your payroll procedures follow IRS requirements.
Accurate employer reporting is essential to ensuring contributions are invested timely and according to IRS requirements.