Update Contracts for New Fiscal Year in myVRS Navigator

At the close of each fiscal year, employers have important year-end tasks to perform. VRS appreciates your partnership in ensuring a smooth transition to the new fiscal year.
The Fiscal Year-End Reminders webpage provides detailed information on key tasks that are completed in myVRS Navigator during the summer months.
Here’s a quick rundown of time-sensitive processing tasks for July:
Update or Change Contracts
At the start of each fiscal year, contract information in myVRS Navigator must be updated for all returning VRS-covered contract employees.
- Contract start date: Automatically updated in myVRS Navigator.
- VRS contract period and the number of months paid: Update if terms have changed.
If you have not updated your employees’ contract start dates for the new fiscal year, myVRS Navigator will advance the dates automatically by one year, 10 business days after the last off-contract monthly snapshot is confirmed.
Confirming and Generating Snapshots
After confirming your June snapshot, you can enroll new members and make maintenance changes, upload files, process prior service, generate snapshots and complete all other routine processing for July. However, you cannot confirm the July snapshot until year-end processing is complete. VRS will post a message on the myVRS Navigator dashboard alerting you to when you may confirm your July snapshot.