Paycheck Calculator Helps Employees Visualize Their Savings

December 2023
An image with a photo of a man working on his laptop on the left side and a screen capture of the paycheck calculator website page on the right side.

Voluntary contributions – through the Hybrid Retirement Plan and the Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (if applicable) – allow VRS members to accumulate additional savings on a pre-tax or after-tax basis and increase savings through the employer match.

Those extra savings really add up!

Show, Don’t Just Tell

There’s a difference, however, between telling employees and showing them the positive impact of additional savings. Our interactive member paycheck calculator puts employees in the driver’s seat when it comes to determining how much they want to save. The calculator shows how different pre-tax and after-tax deduction amounts affect their take-home pay.

Next steps?

Once they see how additional savings will positively impact their future, it’s a snap for employees to then log in to their accounts and increase their contribution amounts to make saving projections a reality.