Information central to help you administer VRS benefits.
Resources and links to assist with GASB and other financial reporting related to VRS-administered benefit plans, including fiscal year-end reminders.
Help members understand their VRS retirement plan provisions.
Help members understand their VRS retirement member benefits.
When switching jobs between VRS-participating employers, do hybrid plan members need to re-elect their voluntary contributions?
Members who max out early in their careers will see their investment earnings compound over time.
SmartStep hybrid plan members save more for retirement with automatic, annual increases to their voluntary contributions.
Our interactive member paycheck calculator puts employees in control when it comes to determining how much they want to save.
Hybrid plan members can contribute up to 4% each month and receive an employer match.
Does a Hybrid Retirement Plan member need to re-elect voluntary contributions when hired by another VRS-participating employer?
VRS offers resources and tools to help members learn more about their retirement benefits and savings options.
A new resource will walk you through changes in how employer contributions will be calculated and paid for the hybrid plan.
VRS will simplify how employer contributions are calculated and paid for the Hybrid Retirement Plan.