Benefit Administrators: Get Up to Speed on VRS Benefits With This Training
October 2022

There is a lot to know when counseling employees about their VRS benefits, especially if you're new to your job. VRS is here to help you get up to
This four-part interactive webinar will give you an overview of VRS benefits and help you learn the importance of your counseling role. The 90-minute episodes are broadcast over four days:
- Episode 1 – Understanding VRS and Retirement Account Contributions. Explore VRS' structure including retirement plans and systems, as well as reporting data and making contributions.
- Episode 2 – New Employees: Time-Sensitive Benefits and Saving for Retirement. Understand time-sensitive benefits and additional ways to save for retirement with supplemental savings plans and voluntary contributions.
- Episode 3 – Employees in Mid-Career: Life Events. Explore benefits and processes related to various life events including disability, refunds and death.
- Episode 4 – Nearing Retirement: Requirements, Payout Options and Processing. Learn retirement eligibility requirements, payout options and benefits in retirement.
Register for the October series today! Each episode in the series will run from 10-11:30 a.m., starting Tuesday, October 18.