Learn More About VRS’ Long-Term Investment Strategy

April 2022
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The value of the VRS Trust Fund exceeded $100 billion for the first time in fiscal year 2021. VRS ranks as the 17th largest public or private pension fund in the U.S. and the 46th largest in the world, serving more than 750,000 active and inactive members, retirees and beneficiaries.

As managers of the VRS Trust Fund, our investment team knows that decisions made today must support current and future needs of Virginia’s teachers, local government workers and state employees. This is why VRS focuses on performance over the long term, 20 to 40 years, not simply a single year. By balancing risk with reward in the portfolio, the VRS fund is projected to grow steadily over time, meeting or exceeding the assumed rate of return.

Check out varetire.org/investments to gain deeper insights into how VRS’ long-term investment strategy supports members’ future in retirement. Learn more about:

  • VRS’ investment objectives and strategies.
  • How assets are allocated across the fund.
  • Investment returns by fiscal year.
  • Market value of assets by fiscal year.

Watch a series of videos featuring interviews with VRS investment professionals, who provide important context for how VRS structures its investment strategy and sets benchmarks to guide progress toward long-term goals.

In the latest quarterly performance and asset allocation reports, Chief Investment Officer Ron Schmitz offer his insights into the latest market trends and how they impact VRS’ investments.

Bookmark varetire.org/investments and check for updates on fund performance and other key metrics.

Investments - Our four-part video series features in-depth interviews with VRS investment professionals. They provide key insights on VRS investment strategies and goals.