myVRS Navigator Security Review Ahead

April 2022
An image of a two lane road extending into the distance with forest on the left of it and mountains to the right. In the foreground, on the far right, is a traffic sign which reads security review zone. To the left of the traffic sign, over the image, is the my VRS Navigator logo.

VRS uses role-based security to enable employers to manage access to myVRS Navigator and VRS member data, based on the work different employees perform. Starting this summer, VRS will conduct a formal myVRS Navigator security review to ensure that the correct personnel at participating employers have the proper level of access to the system. Keeping contacts current is a security best practice.

For the first time, the security review will be conducted online within employers’ myVRS Navigator accounts. Security Administrators, who oversee and approve access to myVRS Navigator for their agencies, will receive a notification when the online review begins. Instructions will be made available in myVRS Navigator.

VRS appreciates your help in safeguarding employee privacy and protecting the security of information. More details will be forthcoming to guide you through the review.

Making Changes to Your Administrative Contacts

The Authorization of Administrative Contacts (VRS-67A) form is used to identify administrative contacts who will manage VRS contacts for an employer. The form is required to update your Primary Administrative Authority (PAA), VRS Administrator or Security Administrator contacts.

Complete the VRS-67A form in its entirety, even if some contacts are not changing. The new VRS-67A supersedes any forms submitted previously and must reflect all active administrative contacts.

If you find that only demographic changes are needed, the Primary Administrative Authority may document those changes on your organization’s letterhead and submit by email to

Making Changes to Your Administrative Contacts

The Authorization of Administrative Contacts (VRS-67A) form is used to identify administrative contacts who will manage VRS contacts for an employer. The form is required to update your Primary Administrative Authority (PAA), VRS Administrator or Security Administrator contacts.

Complete the VRS-67A form in its entirety, even if some contacts are not changing. The new VRS-67A supersedes any forms submitted previously and must reflect all active administrative contacts.

If you find that only demographic changes are needed, the Primary Administrative Authority may document those changes on your organization’s letterhead and submit by email to