VRS Reports Return of 9.9% and Hits Record High for Fund

September 2024
a graph showing an upward trend line with text reading VRS investment return

VRS reported a 9.9% return, net of fees, on its investment portfolio for fiscal year 2024, ending the year with a market value of approximately $113.9 billion, a record high.

“VRS executes its investment strategy and decisions keeping the best interests of VRS members, retirees and beneficiaries as a foundational tenet,” said VRS Board of Trustees Chair A. Scott Andrews. “The fund has exceeded the 6.75% assumed rate of return and its custom benchmark for the five-, 10-, 15- and 20-year periods. As a long-term investor, VRS has positioned the fund to meet its obligations to our teachers, first responders and other public servants now and well into the future.”

View the full press release.