The Future Arrives: Online Retirement Rollout Nears Completion

August 2021
myVRS highway sign online retirement marker

VRS has been gradually rolling out online retirement in members' myVRS accounts. By the middle of this month, most of your employees will have access to this intuitive online retirement experience.

You should continue to provide your normal level of counseling to employees as they prepare to retire, especially regarding individual employer benefits. Online retirement coordinates with your existing pre-retirement counseling and streamlines the application for most employees.

The self-service application offers built-in pre-retirement counseling features and guidance at key decision points based on the member's retirement options. The online process also provides a more consistent retirement experience for all VRS members across the state.

VRS also offers individual counseling services. Members may call 888-827-3847 to schedule a phone or virtual counseling appointment to review their retirement benefits.

The Application for Service Retirement (VRS-5)remains available on the VRS website during the transition to online retirement for members who need it. Those retiring on disability will continue to use the Application for Disability Retirement (VRS-6)and associated forms.

Learn more: Our online retirement webpage provides an overview of the process and an exceptions list, a refresher on employer certification steps and a preview of member features. You'll also find a process guide and FAQs, all developed to acclimate you to online retirement.

Additional Resource: Because there is no employer view of the member's online application in myVRS Navigator, VRS has developed an interactive presentation that walks the employer through the member experience screen by screen. Log in to the Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center (VLC) to view it.

Questions? Contact VRS Employer Support for assistance.