Stay on Track for Summer Retirement by Taking These Steps

If you’re planning to retire this year, keep track of important tasks using the VRS Retirement Readiness Checklist. Print off or download this handy guide from the VRS website, then mark it up as you walk through the process. Here are a few tips to get started:
1. Access Your Online Accounts
Start by logging in to myVRS to view your account balances and other details about your membership. Check that you’ve used an email address that you can access after retiring and that your other contact info is up to date. Make changes as needed by clicking your name in the top-right corner, then “Update My Profile.”
Use the myVRS Benefit Estimator to choose the retirement date and payout option that best fits your plans. Then, calculate your monthly VRS benefit in just a few clicks. Be sure to create a new estimate right before you apply for retirement.
When you’re ready, most members can complete their retirement application online in myVRS. This saves time and lets you bypass paper forms. Read Applying for Retirement for details.
If you participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan or you are a Hybrid Retirement Plan member, you can manage your defined contribution funds by logging in to your DCP Account.
Ensure your beneficiary designations are up to date in myVRS and each defined contribution account, as applicable, before applying for retirement. Read Naming a Beneficiary for more.
2. Use VRS Resources
If you have questions about VRS benefits, you have options for getting answers. Start with the Getting Ready to Retire milestone, where you’ll find detailed documents like the Getting Ready to Retire Guide and Retiree Handbook.
Visit Education and Counseling to schedule a counseling session with VRS or sign up for a live or recorded member webinar. Topics include choosing a retirement date, understanding benefit payout options and more.
3. Choose Your Benefits
Consider continuing these benefits before retiring:
Health coverage: If you are a state employee, you are eligible to enroll in the State Retiree Health Benefits Program (administered by the Department of Human Resource Management) within 31 days of your retirement date. Submit the enrollment formwith your retirement application, whether you are electing or waiving coverage.
If you retire with at least 15 years of service, you may also be eligible for a monthly health insurance credit.
Long-term care: If you are covered under the Virginia Local Disability Program (VLDP) or the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP), decide if you want to continue your program’s long-term care coverage into retirement. If continuing coverage, you must apply within 60 days of retiring.
You can also purchase additional coverage through the Commonwealth of Virginia Voluntary Group Long-Term Care Insurance Program, which helps with expenses for services like home health care, assisted living or nursing home care. Enrollment is voluntary and available to eligible members, retirees and their family members.
- Optional life insurance: If you participate in the Optional Group Life Insurance Program, decide if you want to continue or convert your coverage when you retire. You must elect to continue your coverage within 31 days after the month you leave your job. See Life Insurance Benefits for more.