Information central to help you administer VRS benefits.
Resources and links to assist with GASB and other financial reporting related to VRS-administered benefit plans, including fiscal year-end reminders.
Help members understand their VRS retirement plan provisions.
Help members understand their VRS retirement member benefits.
Hybrid plan members can contribute up to 4% each month and receive an employer match.
During National Retirement Security Month reengage with employees about their future. Are they on track with their savings goals?
VRS offers resources and tools to help members learn more about their retirement benefits and savings options.
Many employees will see a bump in pay this summer. Saving part of their raises now can mean having more cash in retirement.
While auto-escalation is built into the Hybrid Retirement Plan, members who took active control save more over time.
Financial stress affects employee productivity. This America Saves Week help build employees’ financial confidence.
Hybrid Retirement Plan auto-escalation went into effect January 1, boosting members’ voluntary contributions by 0.5%, except fo...
VRS members can get the money know-how they need using myVRS Financial Wellness. Our nationally recognized online program offers..
There is a lot to cover with new employees, especially when it comes to explaining their VRS benefits. Here are three tips to...