Information central to help you administer VRS benefits.
Resources and links to assist with GASB and other financial reporting related to VRS-administered benefit plans, including fiscal year-end reminders.
Help members understand their VRS retirement plan provisions.
Help members understand their VRS retirement member benefits.
State law requires employers to train LODA-eligible employees about their benefits and to provide guidance on how to apply.
How do I certify an employee's service that is eligible for the hazardous duty supplement?
What do hazardous duty-covered members need to know when leaving employment or transferring between hazardous duty positions?
What resources are available for counseling employees transferring between or moving out of hazardous duty positions?
Informational actuarial valuations are coming soon for political subdivisions.
Political subdivisions: Contact VRS if looking to offer hazardous duty coverage. If you are considering adding enhanced hazard...