Information central to help you administer VRS benefits.
Resources and links to assist with GASB and other financial reporting related to VRS-administered benefit plans, including fiscal year-end reminders.
Help members understand their VRS retirement plan provisions.
Help members understand their VRS retirement member benefits.
I have several late-career employees looking to fill gaps in their retirement savings. What catch-up options are available?
Boosting retirement savings toward the end of their careers comes with tax benefits for employees.
VRS offers retirement planning tools and resources to help employees see if they’re on track for a secure future.
What Steps Should I Take in myVRS Navigator to Start the Fiscal Year?
The process only takes about 30 minutes to complete. Members will receive step-by-step guidance at key decision points.
I have employees retiring this spring and summer. What’s the best way for them to stay connected with VRS when they retire?
Spring is the season when employers typically face a larger-than-normal volume of folks filing for summer retirement.
As employees retire or leave their jobs, it's important for them to make well-informed decisions about their future savings.
During National Retirement Security Month reengage with employees about their future. Are they on track with their savings goals?