Complete myVRS Navigator Security Review Online in Minutes

June 2024
Text reading VRS Navigator Security Review next to a drawing of a shield with a padlock emblazoned on the front of it.

VRS’ online security review is a once-a-year requirement to make sure that all those with access to myVRS Navigator have access only to the data fields needed for their job duties. It’s also an annual reminder to verify all demographic information on system users is current, such as phone number, email address and job title.

Complete Your Review in Minutes

Security Administrators, who oversee and approve access to myVRS Navigator for their agencies, will receive a message from VRS outlining the procedures and timeline for conducting the annual security review. You can complete your review online in a matter of minutes.

When you log in to myVRS Navigator, step-by-step instructions on the Employer Security Review page will explain how to make any necessary changes and guide you through submitting changes directly in the system.

Job Aid: The Employer Security Review job aid covers the entire review process. Log in to the Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center to access the job aid. If you need credentials, email to request registration.


Call the VRS Employer Support team at 888-827-3847 and select prompt 5, followed by prompt 1 for assistance with any step in the process.