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What is the VRS-901 (Durable Power of Attorney) and why should members complete one?
The Durable Power of Attorney (VRS-901)allows a member to designate a trusted individual to handle their VRS affairs such as filing applications, making certain benefit selections, changing financial institutions for direct deposit and designating beneficiaries. Should the member be incapacitated, having a durable power of attorney on file assures that their agent can manage VRS benefits issues without interruption and in accordance with their wishes.
Employees may also submit the Authorization to Discuss VRS Account Information (VRS-900)to allow trusted individuals to speak with VRS representatives about their benefits and account information. The VRS-900 expires two years after signature and does not allow authorized persons to take actions affecting their accounts, however.
If an employee already has a durable power of attorney on file at VRS, the VRS-900 is not required.