MBPs Available Soon in myVRS

August 2022
An image of a man wearing scrubs listening to a very large golden egg with a stethoscope. To the left of the man is text which reads MBPs offer a retirement strategy checkup.

The 2022 Member Benefit Profiles (MBPs) for Plan 1, Plan 2 and Hybrid Retirement Plan members will be available in their myVRS accounts later this summer.

The MBP is an annual benefit statement based on information employers report to VRS as of June 30. It provides account balance information, retirement eligibility and eligibility for other benefits, such as group life insurance and the health insurance credit.

Why the MBP is so important: The annual statement of benefits provides an opportunity for members to reassess their retirement goals. Are they on track with savings? Can they afford to retire earlier? What happens if they work longer? Used in conjunction with tools like the myVRS Benefit Estimator and the myVRS Retirement Planner, the MBP can kickstart members’ future planning.

If you have members who do not have online access, you can look up their MBPs in myVRS Navigator through your employer access view.

VRS will email you when members' MBPs are ready.