
Submitting VRS forms and documents securely: Any VRS form or related documents that you previously faxed to VRS can be sent using Zix email, a widely used source for encrypting and decrypting emails with one click. Refer to the Using Zix to Send Encrypted Email job aid for details about how to register your Zix account and how to begin sending material securely to VRS. The job aid is available from the VRS University in the Virginia Learning Center. If you do not have log-in credentials, email to request registration.
Form updates: Based on recent federal tax withholding changes, VRS has updated versions of the following forms:
- Application for Service Retirement (VRS-5)
- Request for Tax Withholding (VRS-15)
- The Request for Refund (VRS-3) form is available only from the myVRS Navigator form request system as VRS continues to promote online refund processing.
The changes for income tax withholding include new federal filing status selections and a new withholding determination using dollar amounts rather than the former model using the number of exemptions. A change for lump sum distributions allows a person to choose to have more than 20% in federal taxes withheld from the taxable portion of a lump sum payment being paid directly to the person.
The VRS Training Academy makes administering benefits easier: To pinpoint the training that's right for you, the VRS Training Academy offers three educational series: Overview, Benefits, and Technical. Each learning series focuses on principal points and takeaways to help employers process benefits and counsel employees on time-sensitive decisions related to retirement benefits.
Are you new to administering VRS benefits? Let us know so our employer representative team can introduce themselves to you and point you to resources and training opportunities.