
VRS beats expectations in tough market: VRS posted a positive return of 0.6% for fiscal year 2022, ending the year with approximately $101.2 billion. The investment team achieved 6% of added value above the benchmark. Watch this video to learn more.
Are you using the latest VRS forms? Before you complete and send a form to VRS, take a quick moment to look at the revision date in the lower left-hand corner. VRS frequently updates its forms, so be sure to use the latest fillable VRS forms on the website.
The latest versions of MissionSquare Retirement forms can be accessed online:
Resolutions due November 1 for school divisions electing employer-sponsored 403(b) plans: Each year, school boards may elect to allow or not allow eligible Hybrid Retirement Plan members to direct voluntary contributions to an employer-sponsored 403(b) plan instead of the Hybrid 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. If you have questions about the election process, or to request a copy of the resolution, please contact ZaeAnne Allen, employer coverage coordinator, at or 804-775-3514.
GASB data now online: Look to the financial reporting page of the VRS employer website for resources to help you prepare the pension and VRS-administered other post-employment benefit (OPEB) plan components of your annual financial statements in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) standards.
Are you new to administering VRS benefits? Let us know so our employer representative team can introduce themselves to you and point you to resources and training opportunities.