Your Turn to Ask
July 2022

What GASB reports are available for our auditors in myVRS Navigator?
VRS provides employers with a pair of reports that serve as documentation of account practices for employee retirement contributions. The following reports are available by request only:
- GASB Statement No. 68: Prepared by the VRS actuary, the GASB Statement No. 68 details an employer's comprehensive financial transactions with VRS. It does not include employee-specific data, so employers may receive the report via email. The report typically can be generated by the next business day. To request it, email VRS CFO Barry Faison at Be sure to include your agency name and five-digit employer number in the request.
- GASB Report – Validation of Census Data: This report includes employee-specific information about salary changes, separation, enrollments and other employment data related to VRS benefits. It is only available through myVRS Navigator Report Repository and accessible by certain employer roles in myVRS Navigator. The Validation of Census Data report only includes information dating back a maximum of 18 months. Therefore, it's recommended that employers establish a year-end process to run this report in the myVRS Navigator Report Repository so it will be ready for auditors in advance of their deadline.
Review VRS' Accessing GASB Reports job aidin the Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center. You'll need to log in to access the job aid. To receive log-in credentials, email to Be sure to include your full name and work e-mail address.