myVRS Navigator Security Reviews Begin This Month

VRS is automating the security review within myVRS Navigator this year, using a workflow activity to lead you through the process. Employer reviews will take place in stages over the summer and fall. The Primary Security Administrator and Primary Administrative Authority roles will receive an email and secure message notifying them when your agency can begin its security review.
To protect the security of VRS information and to safeguard employee privacy, VRS requires employers to complete a periodic security review certifying the contact information and assigned roles for each person identified as a contact for your organization. Your verification includes a review of each designated contact within your organization as well as contacts from any Employer Business Partner with whom you have contracted.
How Will the Process Work? For an overview, refer to the Employer Security Review job aid, located in the VRS University within the Virginia Learning Center. If you do not have log-in credentials, email to request registration.
If you find that you need to add or replace a Security Administrator, Primary Administrative Authority or VRS Administrator, download the Authorization of Administrative Contacts (VRS-67A). This fillable form (dated April 2022) must be completed by your Primary Administrative Authority for all active administrative contacts and supersedes previous forms.
Consider checking your myVRS Navigator primary contacts now and submitting any updates via the VRS-67A in advance of your scheduled security review date.
If updates to your Security Administrator or Primary Administrative Authority roles are required, VRS will need to process your form before you can finalize your security review. Please ensure that you allow 10 days for the completion of this process.