Avoid Access Interruptions: Complete Your myVRS Navigator Security Review

August 2022
An image of a road on a narrow spit of land with views of open water beyond. On the far left of the image part of a mint green car is seen, traveling on the road away from the viewer. On the far right of the image is a yellow traffic sign that reads security review zone. to the left of the traffic sign is the my VRS navigator logo.

VRS is automating the security review within myVRS Navigator this year, using a workflow activity to lead you through the process. Employer reviews will take place in stages this summer and fall.

The Primary Security Administrator and Primary Administrative Authority roles will receive an email and secure message notifying them when your agency can begin its security review.

Your verification includes a review of each designated contact within your organization as well as contacts from any Employer Business Partner with whom you have contracted.

How Will the Process Work? For an overview, refer to the Employer Security Review job aid, located in the VRS University within the Virginia Learning Center. If you do not have log-in credentials, email externalVLC@varetire.org to request registration.

When you log in to myVRS Navigator, step-by-step instructions on the Employer Security Review page will explain how to make any necessary changes and guide you through submitting changes directly in the system.

We appreciate your partnership in protecting the security of VRS information and safeguarding employee privacy.